Richard Lang

  • About Richard

    PD Dr. Richard Lang

    Richard Lang is Full Professor of Social Enterprise and Innovative Regions at Bertha von Suttner Private University St. Pölten. Until 2021, he was Assistant Professor at the Institute of Innovation Management (IFI) at Johannes Kepler University Linz where he previously held an APART-fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and obtained his habilitation in 2020. Richard is also Senior Research Fellow in the School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham, UK, where he earlier held a Marie Curie Fellowship at the Housing and Communities Research Group and was a William Plowden Fellow within the Third Sector Research Centre. Previously, Richard was Senior Researcher at the Research Institute for Co-operation and Co-operatives and Assistant Professor at the Institute for Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. He conducted his PhD studies at WU Vienna and KU Leuven in Belgium.

    Richard’s research interests include social innovation and social enterprises, social capital and networks, collaborative and cooperative housing, civil society and social economy organisations, as well as urban and regional development. Richard has carried out and coordinated several research and knowledge transfer projects in these fields. His research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals, such as European Planning Studies, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Rural Studies, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and Voluntas. Furthermore, Richard has published monographs, in edited volumes and he has guest edited special issues to international journals. Within the European Network for Housing Research, he is currently a coordinator of the working group on Collaborative Housing.


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    Johannes Kepler University Linz
    Altenberger Straße 69
    4040 Linz, Austria

    Institute of Innovation Management (IFI)
    House of Schools, 1st floor