Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz, AustriaInstitute of Innovation Management (IFI)
House of Schools, 1st floor
(Recent) Journal Publications
- Stephan, U., Rauch, A. & Hatak, I. (2022). Happy Entrepreneurs? Everywhere? A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Well-Being Components across Institutional Contexts. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, DOI: 10.1177/10422587211072799
- Fink, M., Gartner, J., Harms, R. & Hatak, I. (2022). Ethical Orientation and Research Misconduct Among Business Researchers Under the Condition of Autonomy and Competition. Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-022-05043-y
- Caniëls, M., Hatak, I., Kuijpers, K. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. (2022). Trait Resilience Instigates Innovative Behaviour At Work? A Cross-Lagged Study. Creativity and Innovation Management, DOI: 10.1111/caim.12486
- Hatak, I. & Zhou, H. (2021). Health as Human Capital in Entrepreneurship: Individual, Extension, and Substitution Effects on Entrepreneurial Success. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(1): 18-42.
- Hatak, I., Chang, M., Harms, R. & Wiklund, J. (2021). ADHD Symptoms, Entrepreneurial Passion, and Entrepreneurial Performance. Small Business Economics, 57: 1693-1713.
- Zeithaml, V.A., Verleye, K., Hatak, I., Koller, M. & Zauner, A. (2020). Three Decades of Customer Value Research: Paradigmatic Roots and Future Research Avenues. Journal of Service Research, 23(4): 409-432. (awarded Best Paper, out of all papers published in 2020 in Journal of Service Research; nominated for Best Paper Award 2021, SERVSIG)
- Wiklund, J., Hatak, I., Lerner, D. A., Verheul, I., Thurik, R. & Antshel, K. (2020). Entrepreneurship, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health: An Exciting and Promising New Field of Research. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(2): 291-295.
- Carnevale, J. & Hatak, I. (2020). Employee Adjustment and Well-Being in the Era of COVID-19: Implications for Human Resource Management. Journal of Business Research, 114: 183-187.
- ·Fink, M., Hatak, I., Scholz, M. & Down, S. (2020). He who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune? Setting the Stage for an Informed Discourse on Third-Party Funding of Academic Business Research (Editorial). Review of Managerial Science, 14(2): 335-343.
- Caniëls, M.C.J. & Hatak, I. (2019). Employee Resilience: Considering both the Social side and the Economic Side of Leader-Follower Exchanges in Conjunction with the Dark Side of Followers’ Personality. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2019.1695648
- Rosenbusch, N., Gusenbauer, M., Hatak, I., Fink, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). Innovation Offshoring, Institutional Context and Innovation Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 56 (1): 203-233. (top 10% most downloaded papers, 2018-2019)
- Harms, R., Hatak, I. & Chang, M. (2019). Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Entrepreneurial Intention: The Strength of a Weak Trait. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 12: 1-7.
- Skute, I., Zalewska-Kurek, K., Hatak, I. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. (2019). Mapping the Field: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature on University-Industry Collaborations. Journal of Technology Transfer, 44(3): 916-947.
- Wiklund, J., Hatak, I., Patzelt, H. & Shepherd, D. (2018). Mental Disorders in the Entrepreneurial Context: When Being Different Can Be an Advantage. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32 (2): 182-206.
- Hasenzagl, R., Hatak, I. & Frank, H. (2018). Problematizing Socioemotional Wealth on Family Firms: A Systems-Theoretical Reframing. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30 (1-2): 199-223.
- Lerner, D., Hatak, I. & Rauch, A. (2018). Deep Roots? Behavioral Inhibition and Behavioral Activation System (BIS/BAS) Sensitivity and Entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9: 107-115
- Rauch, A., Fink, M. & Hatak, I. (2018). Stress Processes: An Essential Ingredient in the Entrepreneurial Process. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32 (3): 340-357.
(Recent contributions to) International Conferences
- Andric, M., Hsueh, J., Hatak, I. & Zellweger, T. (2021). Childhood Roots of Entrepreneurship: Parental Divorce, Entrepreneurial Entry and Performance. 2021 AoM Annual Meeting. Virtual, 29.07.-04.08.
- Hatak, I. (2021). Mental Health & Entrepreneurial Action – Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiNkJzABdPw&t=6s. 2021 AoM Annual Meeting (PDW Panelist). Virtual, 29.07.-04.08.
- Andric, M., Hsueh, J., Hatak, I. & Zellweger, T. (2021). Early-life Family Disruption and Entrepreneurship. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Virtual, 10.-11.06.
- Caniëls, M., Hatak, I., Kuijpers, K. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. (2021). Resilience at Work: Cognitive Job Crafting as a Mediator. Innovation and Product Management Conference (IPDMC) 2021. Virtual, 06.08.-08.08.
- Stephan, U., Rauch, A. & Hatak, I. (2020). The Happy Entrepreneur? A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Well-Being Considering Context. 2020 AoM Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada, 7.08.-11.08.
- Skute, I., Hatak, I. & Zalewska-Kurek, K. (2020). Exploration of the Self-Perceived University Spin-Off Competence Types: Topic Modelling Application. 2020 AoM Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada, 7.08.-11.08.
- Caniëls, M., Hatak, I., Kuijpers, K. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. (2020). Trait Resilience Instigates Ideas? A Cross-Lagged Study. 27th Innovation and Product Management Conference (IPDMC). Antwerp, Virtual, 08.06.-09.06.
- Skute, I., Hatak, I., Zalewksa-Kurek, K. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. (2020). Towards Early-Stage University Spin-Off Success: The Role of Project and Team Composition. 27th Innovation and Product Management Conference (IPDMC). Antwerp, Virtual, 08.06.-09.06.
(Recent contributions to edited) Books
- Fink, M., Hatak, I., Lang, R. & Maresch, D. (2016). Entrepreneurship Research without Passion: Let’s fall in love again. In A. Fayolle & P. Riot (eds.), Rethinking Entrepreneurship: Debating Research Orientations. London: Routledge, 171-178.
- Fink, M., Maresch, D., Hatak, I. & Lang, R. (2016). Entrepreneurship Research with Passion: A Note on the Aesthetics of Basic Research. In H. Landström, A. Parhankangas, A. Fayolle & P. Riot (eds.), Challenging Entrepreneurship Research. London: Routledge, 19-34.
- Hatak, I. & Kremslehner, K. (2016). Kundenmanagement mit Social Media. In H.K. Stahl & H.H. Hinterhuber (eds.), Erfolgreich im Schatten der Großen – Wettbewerbsvorteile für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 193-207.
- Rößl, D., Hatak, I. & Staudinger, S. (2016). Wissenstransfer bei der Unternehmensübergabe in KMU. In H.K. Stahl & H.H. Hinterhuber (eds.), Erfolgreich im Schatten der Großen – Wettbewerbsvorteile für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 119-135.
- Frank, H. & Hatak, I. (2014). Doing a Research Literature Review. In A. Fayolle & M. Wright (eds.), How to Get Published in the Best Entrepreneurship Journals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 94-117.
- Hatak, I. & Rößl, D. (2014). Knowledge Transfer Strategies within Family Firm Succession. In K. Todorov & D. Smallbone (eds.), Handbook of Research on Strategic Management in Small and Medium Enterprises. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 266-281.
- Rößl, D. & Hatak, I. (2014). Generating Value for Members: The Case of an Austrian Co-operative Bank. In T. Mazzarol, S. Reboud, E.M. Limnios & D. Clark (eds.), Research Handbook on Sustainable Co-operative Enterprise – Case Studies of Organisational Resilience in the Co-operative Business Model. Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar, 270-284.
- Rößl, D. & Hatak, I. (2014) (eds.). Kooperationen, Netzwerke, regionale Entwicklung – zwölf Fallstudien. Vienna: Manz.