Andreas Rauch

  • About Andreas

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Rauch

    Andreas Rauch is Professor of Entrepreneurship at Audencia. He also holds a guest professor position at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

    His research interest focusses on evidence based entrepreneurship and psychological predictors of entrepreneurial behavior and he has been published among others in the Journal of Management, Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.

    This research received several citation awards and Google Scholar shows that he has more than 15,000 career citations. He is in the Editorial Reviewer Board of the Journal of Business Venturing and appointed editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.


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    Journal publications

    • Rauch, A. & Hatak, I. (2016). A meta-analysis of different HR-enhancing practices and performance of small and medium sized firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(5), 485-504.
    • Keith, N., Unger, J., Rauch, A., & Frese, M. (2016). Informal Learning and Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Study of Deliberate Practice Among Small Business Owners. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 56(3), 515-540. doi: 10.1111/apps. 12054
    • Rauch, A., Rosenbusch, N., Unger, J. & Frese, M. (2016). The effectiveness of cohesive and diversified networks: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 554-568.
    • Unger, J. M., Rauch, A., Weis, S. E., & Frese, M. (2015). Biology (Prenatal Testosterone), psychology (achievement need) and entrepreneurial impact. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Accepted for publication.
    • Rauch, A., & Hulsink, W. (2014). Putting entrepreneurship education where the intention to act lies: An investigation into the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behavior. Academy of Management Learning and Education. In Press.
    • Rauch, A., van Doorn, R. and Hulsink, W. (2014), A Qualitative Approach to Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship: Theoretical Considerations and an Example Involving Business Clusters. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. doi: 10.1111/etap.12093
    • Rauch, A., Frese, M., Wang, ZM., Unger, J., Lozada, M., Kupcha, V., & Spirina, T. (2013) National culture and cultural orientations of owners affecting the innovation–growth relationship in five countries. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 25 (9-10), 732-755.
    • Rosenbusch, N., Rauch, A., & Bausch, A. (2013). The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation in the task-environment-performance relationship: A meta-analysis of 30 years of research. Journal of Management, 39(3), 633-659.
    • Rauch, A., & Rijsdijk, S. (2013). The effects of general and specific human capital on long-term growth and failure of newly founded businesses. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37,4, 923–941. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2011.00487.x
    • Frese, M., Bausch, A., Schmidt, P., Rauch, A., & Kabst, R. (2012). Evidence-based entrepreneurship (EBE). Cumulative science, action principles, and bridging the gap between science and practice. Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship. 8(1), 1-62. DOI: 0.1561/0300000044
    • Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (2012). Entrepreneurship as a key element in advancing the psychology of competitive advantage. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5(1), 108-111. DOI: 10.1111/j.1754-9434.2011.01414.x
    • Zhao, X. Y., Li, H., & Rauch, A. (2012). Cross-country differences in entrepreneurial activity: the role of cultural practice and national wealth. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 4(6), 447-474.
    • Unger, J., Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Rosenbusch, N. (2011) Human capital and entrepreneurial success: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Business Venturing. 26(3), 341-358.
    • Rauch, A. (2010). Understanding the entrepreneurial mind: Opening the black box. International Small Business Journal, 28(5), 526-528.
    • Rauch, A. Wiklund, J., Lumpkin, G. T. &. Frese, M, (2009). Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance: An assessment of past research and suggestions for the future. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 33,3, 761-788.
    • Unger, J., Rauch, A., Lozada, M., & Gielnick, M. (2008). Success of small business owners in Peru: Strategies and cultural practices. International Journal of Psychology, 48(3-4), 561-561.
    • Wang, Z-M., Guo, W-W., Frese, M., & Rauch, A. (2008). Impact of entrepreneur’s error orientation on performance: A cross-culture comparison. Acta Psychologica Sinica 40(11), 1203-1211.
    • Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (2007). Let`s put the person back into entrepreneurship research: A meta- analysis of the relationship between business owners’ personality characteristics and business creation and success. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 16(4), 353-385.
    • König, C., Steinmetz, H., Frese, M., Rauch, A. & Wang, Z.-M. (2007). Scenario-Based Scales Measuring Cultural Orientations of Business Owners. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17(2). 211-229.
    • Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Utsch, A. (2005). Effects of human capital and long-term human resources development and utilization on employment growth of small-scale businesses: A causal analysis. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29,6, 681-698.
    • Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Sonnentag, S. (2000). Cultural differences in planning-success relationships: A comparison of small enterprises in Ireland, West Germany, and East Germany. Journal of Small Business Management, 38(4), 28-41.
    • Utsch, A. & Rauch, A. (2000). Innovativeness and initiative as mediators between achievement orientation and venture performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9, (1), 45-62.
    • Utsch, A., Rauch, A., Rothfuß, R. & Frese, M. (1999). Who becomes a small-scale entrepreneur in a post-socialist environment: on the differences between entrepreneurs and managers. Journal of Small Business Management, 37 (3) 31-42.

    Book chapters

    • Rauch, A. (2013). The prediction of entrepreneurial behaviour: A personality approach. In: Elizabeth Chell and Mine Karataş-Özkan (Eds). Handbook of Research in Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar. In Press
    • Frese, M., Bausch, A., Schmidt, P., Rauch, A., & Kabst, R. (2012). Evidence-based Entrepreneurship (EBE): A systematic approach to cumulative science. In D. Rousseau (Ed.) Handbook of Evidence-Based Management: Companies, Classrooms, and Research. New York: Oxford.
    • Rauch, A. (2011). The human resource practices of small businesses: an examination of performance implications. In: Cary L. Cooper & Ronald J. Burke (Eds.) Human Resource Management in Small Business: Achieving Peak Performance (pp. 111-127). Cheltenham, UK:  Edward Elgar
    • Rauch, A. (2010). Dispositions of entrepreneurs: Exploring entrepreneurs’ personality characteristics. In: M. Lukes & M. Laguna (Eds.). Entrepreneurship: A psychological approach (pp. 37-54). Prague: Oeconomica.
    • Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (2009) Entrepreneurial orientation. In: A. Bausch & B. Schwenker (Eds.). Handbook of Utility Management (pp. 89-104). Berlin: Springer.
    • Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (2008). A personality approach to entrepreneurship. In S. Cartwright & C. Cooper (Eds.) (pp. 121-136). The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Psychology (pp. 121-137). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    • Rauch, A., & Frese, M. (2007). Born to be an entrepreneur? Revisiting the personality approach to entrepreneurship In J. R. Baum, M. Frese, & R. A. Baron (Eds.). The Psychology of Entrepreneurship (pp. 41-66). Mahawah: NJ. Erlbaum.
    • Rauch, A, & Frese, M. (2006). Meta-analysis as a tool for developing entrepreneurship research and theory. In J. Wiklund, D. Dimov, D. Shepherd & J. Katz (Eds.) Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth (Vol 9) (pp. 29- 52). Oxford, Jai Press.
    • Unger, J., Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (2006). Persönlichkeit und Entrepreneurship.  In R. Bader, G. Keiser, & T. Unger (Hrsg.), Entwicklung unternehmerischer Kompetenz in der Berufsbildung: Hintergründe, Ziele und Prozesse berufspädagogischen Handelns (pp. 122 -136). Bielefeld: WBF.
    • Frese, M., & Rauch, A. (2006). Psychological Approaches to Entrepreneurship. In S. G. Rogelberg Eds.) Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    • Frese, M., & Rauch, A. (2002). The psychology of entrepreneurship. In P.B. Baltes & N.J. Smelser (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 4552-4556). Oxford: Elsevier Science.
    • Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (2000). Psychological approaches to entrepreneurial success: A general model and an overview of findings. In C. L. Cooper & I.T. Robertson (Eds.), International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Vol. 15, (Cap. 3, pp. 100-135). Chichester Sussex: Wiley & Sons.
    • Rauch, A. (1998). Deutsche und irische Unternehmer im Kulturvergleich: Gibt es unterschiedliche Erfolgsfaktoren? In: M. Frese (Ed.). Erfolg von Unternehmensgruendern: Psychologische Analysen und praktische Anleitung fuer Unternehmer in Ost- und Westdeutschland, (pp. 159- 170)  Göttingen: Hogrefe.
    • Rauch, A. & Frese, M. (1998). Was wissen wir ueber die Psychologie erfolgreichen Unternehmertums? Ein Literaturueberblick. In: M. Frese (Eds.). Erfolg von Unternehmensgruendern: Psychologische Analysen und praktische Anleitung fuer Unternehmer in Ost- und Westdeutschland. (pp. 5-34) Göttingen: Hogrefe.
    • Rauch, A. (1998). Unternehmerische Umweltfaktoren, Strategien und Erfolg. In: M. Frese (Eds.). Erfolg von Unternehmensgruendern: Psychologische Analysen und praktische Anleitung fuer Unternehmer in Ost- und Westdeutschland. (pp 123-132) Göttingen: Hogrefe.


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