Edit Juhász

  • About Edit

    Edit Juhász

    Edit Juhász is program manager of the Joint Master’s degree program “Global Business Studies” at the Institute of Innovation Management (ifi). Edit holds the Joint Master’s degree “Global Business Studies” from the Universities: University of Victoria (Victoria-Canada), National Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) and JKU. She has over six years of experience in living, studying, and working in different countries and speaks three languages fluently (Hungarian, English and German). Before joining the Global Business team at JKU she volunteered in the international student organization AIESEC (Hungary, Austria), worked at the Volkswagen AG (Wolfsburg, Germany) and at Intel (Linz, Austria). Edit has a great passion for teaching and training facilitation. Hence among other instructor activities, she organized a free Time Management Training for students at the KHG Student Dormitory (Linz, Austria). Since 2018 she has been teaching at JKU in the discipline of international management (subject areas: global strategic management, intercultural management, and virtual collaboration in a global context).

    Link Website Global Business Studies


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz, Austria

Institute of Innovation Management (IFI)
Managementzentrum, 3rd floor

e-mail: edit.juhasz@jku.at