On the 21st of June, students celebrated the successful completion of their Austrian term with a farewell dinner at Promenadenhof. This event marked the end of a remarkable trimester, filled with diverse academic and cultural experiences.
The Austrian term was an enriching journey for the students, offering a wide variety of courses and presenting guest speakers from both within and outside the university, such as representatives from Business Upper Austria. The academic curriculum was complemented by several excursions, providing students with deeper insights into Austrian history and industry. Some of the highlights were a guided city tour in Linz, a visit to the Mauthausen concentration camp and an informative tour to the Voestalpine and Miba.
One of the standout moments of the trimester was the pitch contest, held at the open innovation center, where students presented their innovative ideas to an external jury, with the winning team earning a celebratory meal at Teichwerk. This contest illustrated the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit fostered during the term.
Beyond academics, the students embraced their time in Austria by exploring the country’s beautiful scenery and traveling to various European destinations with new international friends made over the past six months. These adventures added a layer of personal growth and cultural exchange to their academic experience.
The farewell dinner at Promenadenhof was a time for reflection. Students reviewed their exciting journey, acknowledging both the incredible memories and the challenging, stressful times. Dr. Robert Breitenecker (program director) and Edit Juhász, MA (program manager), addressed the students, expressing pride in their accomplishments and wishing them all the best for the future. Following their speeches, students enjoyed a delicious dinner, celebrating their achievements and the bonds they had formed.

Looking ahead, the students are eagerly anticipating their next adventure, their study experience in Peru. This phase will focus on an intensive consulting project, offering them the opportunity to dive deeper into the South American business context.
This master’s program has proven to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The past six months of international exposure have already been life-changing and enriching, leaving students with memories and skills that will last a lifetime. As they transition from Austria to Peru, they carry with them the lessons learned and friendships made, ready to face new challenges and opportunities. (Credit picture: https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/45/68/68/360_F_45686855_T6XGzE7M0uUFNezlO2thnPKd4QKfwMtG.jpg)