The last week of August in 2023 marked a significant milestone in the individuals´ lives, coming from 10 different countries, representing three universities (UVic – Victoria, Canada; NSYSU – Kaohsiung, Taiwan; JKU – Linz, Austria). The group of 25 Global Business Master students have started their study program at the University of Victoria. Students´ lives are truly enriched not only by out of class activities but by different teaching styles and infrastructure each university brings to the table. At UVic, they benefit from one exclusive classroom. Tables and chairs are positioned to accommodate group discussions even while receiving some frontal educational elements. Aside from that there are six break out rooms directly attached for optimal team work. Their UVic professors are delivering excellent foundation for the journey ahead in this unique class room setting. After emerging themselves in the culture and business world of North America they will continue to Taiwan in mid-November. Stay tuned to learn about the settings and campus at NSYSU in the November news post.