The article titled “Place attachment and social legitimacy: Revisiting the sustainable entrepreneurship journey” published by IFI researchers Richard Lang and Matthias Fink together with IFI Fellow Ewald Kibler and Pablo Muñoz from the University of Leeds is featured as one of the three contributions most downloaded from Mendeley in 2015.
In this article the authors revisit the sustainable entrepreneurship journey by introducing a ‘place-based’ sustainable venture path model. They suggest that distinguishing between emotional (‘caring about the place’) and instrumental (‘using the place’) place attachment of sustainable entrepreneurs deepens the understanding of how place-based challenges of sustainable venture legitimacy are managed over time. Finally, the authors suggest avenues for future sustainable entrepreneurship research.
Find the article here: Kibler et al. 2015
Kibler, E., Fink, M., Lang, R. & Muñoz, P. (2015): Place attachment and social legitimacy: Revisiting the sustainable entrepreneurship journey. Journal of Business Venturing Insights 3(2): 24-29.