Ewald Kibler receives Outstanding Reviewer Award from Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice

Assistant Professor Ewald Kibler has been selected as an Outstanding Reviewer for the year 2017 for Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ET&P), ranked as one of the leading FT50 Journal in the Field of Entrepreneurship Research.

ET&P is one of the leading FT50 Journal in the field.

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ET&P) is a leading scholarly journal in the field of entrepreneurship studies. The journal’s mission is to publish original papers that contribute to the advancement of the field of entrepreneurship. ET&P publishes conceptual and empirical articles of interest to scholars, consultants, and public policy makers. Most issues also feature a teaching case.

ET&P: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1540-6520