Robert Breitenecker

  • About Robert

    Prof. Dr. Robert J. Breitenecker

    Robert Breitenecker is Professor of Technology Management and Global Business at JKU. Robert is head of the Institute of Innovation Management and program director of the Global Business Master Studies at JKU Business School at JKU Linz, as well as dean of the LIMAK Austrian Business School. He holds a Ph.D in mathematics with focus on applied statistics and a postdoctoral qualification (habilitation) in the field of business administration from Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Robert’s research interests are in the field of technology management, global business, innovation and entrepreneurship as well as multivariate and spatial statistical methods. He was also part of the team which has established the Research Methods and Research Practice track and special interest group at the European Academy of Management (EURAM). His research has been published in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Organizational Research Methods, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Management Decision as well as Review of Managerial Science.

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    Johannes Kepler University Linz
    Altenberger Straße 69
    4040 Linz, Austria

    Institute of Innovation Management (IFI)
    House of Schools, 1st floor
    Room: H1.01.27

    phone: +43 732 2468 4430