Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz, AustriaInstitute of Innovation Management (IFI)
House of Schools, 1st floore-mail: ifi@jku.at
Publications: Andrea Moro
- Aschauer E., A. Moro, M. Massaro, 2014, The Auditor as a Change Agent for SMEs: The Role of Confidence, Trust and Personal Attachment, Review of Managerial Science, forthcoming
- Wisniewski, T. P., A. Moro, 2014, When the EU leaders meet, the markets listen. Extracting sentiment from political statements. The European Accounting Review, forthcoming
- Fredriksson A., A. Moro, 2014, Bank – SMEs Relationships and Banks’ Risk-Adjusted Profitability. Journal of Banking and Finance , 41, 67–77
- Moro, A., M. Fink, 2013, Trust and Credit Access for SMEs, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(3), 927–936.
- Moro, Andrea; Fink, Matthias; Kautonen, Teemu, 2014, How do banks assess entrepreneurial competence? The role of voluntary information disclosure. International Small Business Journal http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0266242612458444
- Moro, A., M.R. Lucas, U. Grimm, 2012, The Debt Structure of SMEs: An Optimisation Model Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 16(1).
- Massaro, M., A. Moro, R. Lucas, 2012, Approcci formali e informali al controllo negli innovation network. Un possibile schema di analisi, Management and Control doi:10.3280/MACO2012-001003
- Moro, A., M. R. Lucas, D. Kodwani, 2012, Trust and the Demand for Personal Collateral in SME – Bank Relationships Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 16(1).
- Howorth, C., A. Moro, 2012, Trustworthiness and the Cost of Credit: An Empirical Study of SMEs and Small Banks in Italy, Small Business Economics, 39(1):161-177
- Howorth, C., A. Moro, 2006, Trust within Entrepreneur Bank Relationships: Insights from Italy, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 30(4): 495-517