Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz, AustriaInstitute of Innovation Management (IFI)
House of Schools, 1st floorAalto University, School of Business
Department of Management Studies / Entrepreneurship
PO Box 21230, FI-0076 Aalto, Finlande-mail: ewald.kibler@aalto.fi
Publications: Ewald Kibler
Contributions to peer reviewed journals
- Kautonen, T., Kibler, E., Minnitti, M. (2017) Late-career entrepreneurship, income and quality of life. Journal of Business Venturing.32(3), 318–333.
- Kibler, E., Mandl, E., Kautonen, T., & Berger, E. (2017). Attributes of legitimate venture failure impressions. Journal of Business Venturing. 32(2), 145-161.
- Muñoz, P. and Kibler, E. (2016) Institutional Complexity and Social Entrepreneurship: A Fuzzy-Set Approach. Journal of Business Research, 3: 24-29.
- Kibler, E. and Kautonen, T. (2016) The moral legitimacy of entrepreneurs: An analysis of early-stage entrepreneurship across 26 countries. International Small Business Journal. 34(1): 34-50.
- Kibler, E., Wainwright, T., Kautonen, T., Blackburn, R. (2015) Can social exclusion against ‘older entrepreneurs’ be managed? Journal of Small Business Management, 53(S1): 193–208.
- Kautonen, T., Hatak, I., Kibler, E., Wainwright, T. (2015) Emergence of entrepreneurial behaviour: The role of age-based self-image. Journal of Economic Psychology, 50: 41-51.
- Kibler, E., Fink, M., Lang, R., Muñoz, P. (2015) Place attachment and social legitimacy: Revisiting the sustainable entrepreneurship journey. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 3: 24-30.
- Wainwright, T. and Kibler, E. (2014) Beyond financialization: Older entrepreneurship and retirement planning. Journal of Economic Geography, 14 (4): 849-864.
- Kibler, E., Kautonen, T. and Fink, M. (2014) Regional social legitimacy of entrepreneurship: Implications for entrepreneurial intention and start-up behaviour. Regional Studies, 48(6): 995-1015.
- Lang, R., Fink, M. and Kibler, E. (2014) Understanding place-based entrepreneurship in rural Central Europe: A comparative institutional analysis. International Small Business Journal, 32(2): 204-227.
- Kibler, E. (2013) Formation of entrepreneurial intentions in a regional context. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 25(3-4): 293-323.
- Kautonen, T., Tornikoski, E. and Kibler, E. (2011) Entrepreneurial intentions in the third age: The impact of perceived age norms. Small Business Economics, 37(2): 219-234.